Do you have a question regarding Unexpected Journey 2024? You will find the answer to common questions on this page. If you cannot find the information you are looking for on this page, feel free to contact us!
Unexpected Journey is by no means a hazing! The programme is about having fun, getting to know each other and team building. The introduction week is organised by Breda University of Applied Sciences students and staff, who have your safety as the highest priority.
Unexpected Journey is the introduction week for students of the study programmes of the Academy for Leisure & Events and the Academy for Tourism of Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas). During this introduction, you – as a first-year student – will get to know your fellow students and classmates, Breda University of Applied Sciences, and organisations located in Breda by means of a comprehensive programme full of fun activities. It is the best way to start your time as a student in Breda.
We will ensure that there are facilities where you can charge your phone for free. We recommend bringing a power bank to the introduction.
Yes, the entire introduction location is accessible for people with a disability. A bathroom for disabled people is also available at Camping Tulderheyde and the BUas campus. We will also provide paved walkways on the sites.
The organisation will provide a number of (electric) pumps which you can use to inflate your air bed or mat. So, you do not need to bring your own.
It is not permitted to order food in during Unexpected Journey. The organisation will ensure that sufficient meals and snacks are provided. Bringing packed snacks such as energy bars or cookies, or a plastic water bottle, is allowed.
Do you have allergies and/or dietary needs which we have to take into account? Then there is the possibility to notify us on the registration form. Do not forget to tell us about the kind of allergy (allergy or food intolerance) Have your already registered and forgotten to notify us? Then email intro@buas.nl. Our crew will work with our suppliers to make sure you get appropriate alternative meals.
At the introduction site you can pay using PIN, cash or credit card.
No, it is not possible to park your car on the campus of Breda University of Applied Sciences. More information about this can be found on this page.
Yes, it is important you should bring a bicycle. All participants will ride – via a scenic route with various activities -to Camping Tulderheyde on Tuesday 27 August. On Friday 30 August all participants will cycle back to the BUas campus. Don’t have a bike? Then you can rent one through our registration form.
We will arrange for your personal belongings to be moved from the BUas campus to Camping Tulderheyde on Tuesday. On Friday, we will then make sure they are brought back to campus. They will be moved with a large trailer. Therefore, it is important you should bring a suitcase or bag that can be fully closed. That way, you avoid losing personal belongings when the luggage is being moved.
A comprehensive explanation of how to get to Unexpected Journey can be found on this page.
Unexpected Journey 2024 will take place at Camping Tulderheyde in Belgium. The camping site’s address is Tulderheyde 25, 2382 Ravels, Belgium. Please note that the programme starts and ends on the campus of Breda University of Applied Sciences. More information about the introduction location can be found on this page.
It is not possible to leave Unexpected Journey early and then come back later. When you opt to leave the introduction early, it is not possible to rejoin later. For certain special circumstances the introduction organisers may consider an exception to this rule. These will have to be reported to and approved by the organisers prior to the introduction.
No, you can only register for the entire programme. If you are too late to join the introduction or if you have to leave early, you still have to pay the full fee of €170.
An extensive explanation on how to sign up for Unexpected Journey can be found on the registration page.
A full refund of the registration fee is possible when you notify us no later than 13 August 2024 by emailing intro@buas.nl. Unfortunately it is not possible to get a refund after 13 August. Make sure to also read our general terms and conditions.
Participation in Unexpected Journey is not mandatory but Breda University of Applied Sciences strongly recommends that you do take part. The introduction week is the start of your student days and ensures that you get to know your classmates and fellow students and start your studies well prepared.
he participation fee in Unexpected Journey 2024 is €170. This amount includes the following: participation in all programme elements, your very own introduction T-shirt, various meals at the introduction site and a place to spend the night. It does not include drinks and additional snacks which you may want to purchase during the week.
You can register until Friday 23 August 2024 at the latest.
You will receive your student number in an email from Breda University of Applied Sciences. This will be provided to you as soon as you meet all the necessary admission requirements. This email will be sent to the email address you have entered in Studielink. This email will also contain your password which you can use to log into your student email (student number@buas.nl) or to more.buas.nl.
You can only take part in Unexpected Journey if you start a programme at the Academy for Leisure & Events or the Academy for Tourism at Breda University of Applied Sciences in the 2024-2025 academic year. A detailed overview with which study programmes participate in Unexpected Journey can be found on the registration page.
All participants have to visibly wear their introduction T-shirt during the programme. For an additional fee it is possible to order one or more extra introduction T-shirts. Make a note of this when you complete the registration form. Have you already registered but forgotten to mention this? Then send an email to intro@buas.nl.
Did you apply for a Dutch-taught programme? Then you will use Dutch with your class and most of the programme elements will also be in Dutch. Are you going to attend an English-taught programme? Then you will use English to communicate with your classmates and the programme’s elements will be offered in English as well. Because Breda University of Applied Sciences is an international institute, the main language will be English and in some cases two languages will be used.
The introduction week will take place from Tuesday 27 August up to and including Friday 30 August 2024. You will receive the final start and end times in the week prior to the introduction in an email we will send to your email address with which you are registered in Studielink. You will only receive this email when you have registered and your registration for Unexpected Journey is complete.
Smoking is only permitted in the designated areas. This also applies to electronic cigarettes. Here NIX18 also applies. It is not allowed for participants or visitors who are not yet 18 to smoke.
The possession, trading or use of soft and/or hard drugs is strictly prohibited during Unexpected Journey. Any violation of this rule will be reported to security and the study coach and/or programme coordinator will be notified. When soft and/or hard drugs are traded, the police will also be notified.
During Unexpected Journey NIX18 is the rule. Participants who have not yet reached the age of 18 years are not allowed to purchase, bring or drink alcohol.
Only introduction week participants, guests/partners who have been invited by the organisers or suppliers may access the Unexpected Journey location. The organisers and our security staff will enforce this.
Unexpected Journey offers many opportunities for collaboration in order for participants to be introduced to many different organisations. Interested? Then please send us an email intro@buas.nl
Unfortunately, registration for crew has closed. The job interviews have taken place and the teams have been assigned. Do you think you could still really contribute to the introduction week? Then send an email to employeeintro@buas.nl.
You are not allowed to take photos or record video during Unexpected Journey for promotional goals, unless agreed upon otherwise with the organisers. Taking photos or recording video for your own use is permitted. We do have a media team which will take professional photos and videos during the introduction week. After the introduction these will be published on our social media.