Every year the Unexpected Journey organisers welcome the new students. In order to introduce the students to the city of Breda, Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) and their fellow students, the Unexpected Journey organisation offers many different activities. These terms and conditions have been created for the Unexpected Journey introduction week and the participating programmes of the Academy for Leisure & Events and the Academy for Tourism.
If a student takes part in the introduction week Unexpected Journey 2024 of Breda University of Applied Sciences, these general terms and conditions apply. By registering for the introduction week, the participant automatically agrees to these following terms and conditions. It will therefore be only possible to take part in the introduction week when the participant agrees to the general terms and conditions.
The terms and conditions use the following terms:
Article 1 – Participation
1.1 Students may only participate in the introduction week when they have been fully admitted to one of the participating programmes of the Academy for Leisure & Events or the Academy for Tourism of Breda University of Applied Sciences;
1.2 The cost of taking part in the introduction programme is €170. This amount includes the following: participation in all programme elements, the participant’s own introduction T-shirt, various meals at the introduction site, and a place to spend the night.
1.3 Participants are required to wear the Unexpected Journey introduction T-shirt during the Unexpected Journey programme;
1.4 Admission to the introduction week is only permitted after a valid registration and on production of a valid ID;
1.5 The participant will be supervised as part of a class by two or more senior students (called Hoppassen) during the introduction week;
1.6 Participants are obligated to take part in the entire programme of the introduction week. It is therefore not permitted to leave the introduction week early without explicit permission from the organisers. When participants do not adhere to these rules, they will be excluded from further participation in the introduction week’s activities. There will be no refund of (part of) the registration fee;
1.7 External visitors will only be admitted to the introduction location(s) if the organisers of the introduction week have invited them or have given permission. Breda University of Applied Sciences is not responsible for theft of and/or damage to personal property and/or for physical or mental injury as a result of visiting/participating in Unexpected Journey. This also includes damage to the visitor’s hearing.
Article 2 – Agreement
As soon as a registration has been paid and therefore has become final, the participant enters into an agreement with the introduction week’s organisation; as such the participant declares that they are aware of and agree to these terms and conditions.
Article 3 – Meals and medicine(s)
A participant who has certain allergies, dietary needs or other medical conditions will be required to inform the organisers about their allergy/dietary needs/medical condition in advance. This is requested on the registration form, which must be filled in to participate in the introduction week. This requirement allows the organisers to offer alternative meals for specific conditions/dietary needs. If the participant does not inform the organisers of the introduction week about any allergies and/or dietary needs that they have, the organisers of the introduction week and Breda University of Applied Sciences will not be liable for any consequences.
Article 4 – Location
The introduction week will mostly take place at Camping Tulderheyde, Tulderheyde 25, 2282 Ravels in Belgium. Several programme components will also take place on the campus of Breda University of Applied Sciences (Mgr. Hopmansstraat 2, 4817 JS Breda). On site the following conditions apply:
4.1 A participant is only allowed to be within the event site or at the designated locations. If they are outside these areas, the introduction week organisers have the authority to deny further participation in the introduction week;
4.2 Participants are not permitted to close open doors or open closed doors without the introduction organisers’ consent. Facility services are an exception to this rule;
4.3 Participants are not permitted to move introduction week equipment on the event site without being assigned by the introduction week’s organisers;
4.4 Participants are not permitted to climb and/or stand on tables, benches or other furniture;
4.5 Using confetti/party poppers or other similar paper materials which you bring yourself is not permitted to prevent damage to the environment. If a participant does bring confetti/party poppers, the organisation will seize these. Those who do use their own confetti will be imposed sanctions which will be determined by the introduction week’s organisers;
Article 5 – Payment
Participants register individually.
5.1 The entire amount (€170) should be transferred to the introduction week organisers through online payment prior to the introduction week. This payment should be effected through the website more.buas.nl;
5.2 When the entire amount has not been paid prior to the introduction week, the registration will be invalid and the reserved spot will expire.
Article 6 – Cancellation
6.1 It is possible to cancel a registration free of charge until 23 August 2024. After this date, no refund of the registration fee is possible if the participant wishes to cancel. An exception is made for students who withdraw their enrolment with Breda University of Applied Sciences in Studielink. They can cancel free of charge up to one day prior to the introduction week.
6.2 The introduction week’s organisers reserve the right to cancel the introduction week. They are also the party who decide when it is a case of force majeure (see article 9) causing the introduction week to be cancelled. In either case, there will be no refund of registration fees at that time.
Article 7 – Privacy
7.1 The introduction week’s organisers adhere to GDPR legislation. More information regarding GDPR legislation can be found on the following website: https://gdpr.eu/what-is-gdpr/https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/onderwerpen/algemene-informatie-avg/algemene-informatie-avghttps://gdpr.eu/what-is-gdpr/
7.2 Partners of Unexpected Journey who have permission from the organisers of the introduction week are allowed to send a one-off email to the participant. The participant can indicate whether they are interested in receiving any email via the registration form.
7.3 The participant agrees that their telephone number can be used prior to, during and after the introduction week. This telephone number will only be used for Unexpected Journey-related purposes.
Article 8 – Being late
When a participant is late at the agreed location, the introduction week’s original programme will not be altered. The participant is not entitled to a refund of (part of) the registration fee.
Article 9 – Force Majeure
In certain circumstances some programme elements or the entire introduction week may be cancelled due to force majeure. When the introduction week organisers deem these circumstances to be too dangerous it can be decided to cancel certain introduction week programme activities or the entire programme. In this case the registration fee will not be refunded. This stipulation may concern circumstances, such as social unrest, a severe disruption of law and order, legal prohibitions, a government authority mandate, emergency decrees, terrorism, extreme weather, etc. The introduction week’s organisers will decide in consultation with Breda University of Applied Sciences if force majeure applies.
Article 10 – Participation and exclusion
10.1 Following instructions
Instructions from the organisers of the introduction week must be followed by the participant at all times for the sake of safety, order and programme sequence. If a participant refuses to follow the instructions, the organisers of the introduction week have the right to exclude the participant in question from further participation in the introduction week. In such a case, a participant is not entitled to a refund of the registration fee, nor to any part thereof;
10.2 Assessment of participant’s fitness
10.2.1. The participant is and remains responsible for assessing whether they are sufficiently socially and physically able to participate in the introduction week;
10.2.2. The introduction week organisers are authorised to deny (further) participation in the introduction week if, in the opinion of the organisers, the condition/fitness of the participant concerned endangers the safety of the participant or of others.
10.3 Use of alcohol and/or drugs
10.3.1 The introduction week organisers are authorised to deny (further) participation in the introduction week if the participant in question appears to be drunk or under the influence of drugs.
10.3.2 The use and possession of drugs is not allowed. When someone is suspected to possess and/or use drugs the introduction week organisers are authorised to exclude this person from the (further) participation in the introduction week. This also applies to excessive use of alcohol;
10.3.3 Participants under the age of 18 are not allowed to buy, receive and/or consume alcoholic beverages. They are not permitted either to sell and/or provide alcoholic beverages to persons under 18 years of age.
Article 11 – Responsibility for the environment
The participant undertakes to treat classmates, other participants, the organisers of the introduction week and the location(s) with respect. The participant should make every effort to prevent damage to other participants and/or the location(s) at all times.
Article 12 – Damages to possessions, clothing and footwear
12.1 The organisers of the introduction week and Breda University of Applied Sciences are not liable for damage, disappearance or theft of personal belongings during the introduction week. Bringing valuables is entirely at the participant’s own risk. Under no circumstances can the participant leave their belongings at any place other than the event site.
12.1.1 The participant has the option to leave personal belongings at the introduction site in the sleeping tents. However, this is entirely at the participant’s own risk.
12.1.2 Wearing (or possessing) items such as jewellery, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, telephones and the like is entirely at the participant’s own risk.
12.2 Participants should wear suitable clothing and footwear. Damage to clothing and footwear is at the participant’s risk.
Article 13 – Liability for damages in case of accidents
Taking part in the introduction week is entirely at the participant’s own risk. The introduction week organisers or Breda University of Applied Sciences cannot be held liable for any injuries incurred while taking part in and/or visiting the introduction week. Taking part in the introduction week is not completely void of risks. The organisers of the introduction week will do their utmost to prevent any injuries but the risk can never be completely eliminated. Due to the event’s nature, it is extremely important that the introduction week participants adhere to the stipulations in article 10.1 in order to prevent injury. Unless it is a case of malice or intent, the organisers of the introduction week and Breda University of Applied Sciences are not liable for any kind of damages including consequential damages suffered by the organisers of the introduction week and/or participants as a consequence of accidents which take place during the entire programme, the setting up and tearing down of the event.
Article 14 – Determination of damages
14.1 The participant is liable for damages caused by the action or lack of action of the participant as far as these damages can be attributed to him or her. This is for instance the case when materials provided by the introduction week organisation are damaged or lost, the location’s inventory is damaged or when there are damages to third parties for which the organisation will be held liable. In case of intent and/or severe negligence, Breda University of Applied Sciences maintains the right to claim damages to its property from those who have caused or were responsible for said damage. This also includes the abuse of fire alarms or damage to fire prevention materials. In case of theft, police will be notified.
14.2 Breda University of Applied Sciences cannot be held liable for damages to participants’ or visitors’ possessions.
Article 15 – Calamities and emergencies
In case of a calamity the evacuation plan will be put into action.
15.1 Participants should follow this plan and introduction week organisers’ instructions immediately. When the participant fails to do this, all damages incurred will be claimed from the participant as far as these damages can be attributed to the participant.
15.2 In the event of a calamity, instructions of both BUas emergency response officers and from emergency services should be followed at all times. Therefore, participants always need to be vigilant for possible calamities.
15.3 When a participant notices a situation which could turn into a problem, they should report this immediately to one of the staff members and/or the organisers of the introduction week.
Article 16 – Use of images and recordings
It is possible that photos will be taken and video will be recorded during the introduction week. By agreeing to the terms and conditions, participants declare that they consent to the possible use by the organisers of the introduction week and Breda University of Applied Sciences for marketing and communication purposes.
Article 17 – (Electronic) smoking
Breda University of Applied Sciences has a non-smoking policy on its own grounds. This policy also applies to the introduction week. (Electronic) smoking is only permitted in the designated areas. The introduction week organisers are authorised to exclude those who smoke in other locations than the places designated by the organisation from (further) participation and to remove them from the event site.
Article 18 – Use of smoke, sound and lighting effects
During the events smoke, sound and lighting effects may be used. A participant should be aware of this and consent to any possible risks resulting from this.
Article 19 – Code of conduct
BUas’ mission implies that we set high standards for ourselves and each other. Not only in terms of the necessary quality and quantity of output, but also in terms of desirable behaviour. That is why there will be a new BUas Code of Conduct. If a student takes part in the introduction week Unexpected Journey 2024 of Breda University of Applied Sciences, this Code of Conduct applies.
At BUas, everyone’s contribution to our diverse and intercultural community is respected and valued. The Code of Conduct gives us guidance and clear guidelines on how we treat each other; with integrity and respect. This Code of Conduct applies to all BUas employees, students and visitors, based on our shared community values. The Code of Conduct is not without obligation, but made specific and binding in regulations adopted by the competent authorities of BUas. These regulations are thus an elaboration of the Code of Conduct. You find the Code of Conduct here.