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Highest priority

It is the highest priority of the organisers and of Breda University of Applied Sciences that everyone can take part in Unexpected Journey in a safe manner. Great value is attached to your feeling safe and welcome during the introduction week. From the moment you arrive until you go back home. 

Supervision by senior students

You will take part in Unexpected Journey with the class with which you will start your programme. Every class will be supervised by at least two Hoppassen, who are senior students of the same programme. These students are your first point of contact and will remain with the class during the entire programme.  

In addition, there are various teams consisting of senior students. They are in charge of entertainment, production or the meals, among other things. All senior students have gone through an application procedure during which they have been interviewed and have been selected by the introduction week’s organisers.

Caretakers and confidential counsellors

Caretakers will be available at all times during the introduction week. These are senior students who you may approach for a confidential conversation. Would you, during the introduction, prefer to have a confidential conversation with a staff member instead? A confidential counsellor (BUas employee) will always be present during the Unexpected Journey.

First aid and security

During Unexpected Journey there will be several first aiders and security staff present to ensure the safety and security of you and your classmates and fellow students.